Sunday, January 2, 2011

College Coach Talks About How a HS Athlete Gets Noticed

Todd Dagenais - As Posted on   <--- Click Here to see Coach Dagenais give suggestions to high school athlete on how to get a college coach to notice them!

     High school athletes and parents across the country are all asking the same question...What do I need to do to increase my chances of being noticed by college coaches?  Click on the link above to hear what advice the Head Volleyball Coach of the University of Central Florida has on the subject. 

Todd's Tips
1st - Let college coaches know you exist.
2nd - Create a sport specific resume highlighting your physical attributes that are of interest to college coaches of your sport.  A letter of interest should accompany the athletic resume.
3rd - Create a skills video showcasing the major skills that pertain to your specific sport.
* The goal is to get the college coach out to see you play!
* Attend several college games at various levels to determine where you may fit in the recruiting process.

In order to effectively promote using Todd's tips an athlete must:
1) Determine a list of schools that match their personal search criteria
2) Find contact information for coaches at their targeted schools
3) Research what sport specific information college coaches are looking for on the athlete resume, letter of interest and skills video.

With work, school, practice and games, high school athletes and parents have very limited free time.  Upper Hand Promotions (UHP) has done the research and developed a process to help athletes and parents create and manage an effective promotional campaign.  UHP can provide the contact information and assist in developing effective resumes and video or if you are extremely limited in time can execute the promotional plan for the athlete and parents.

Visit to create a FREE athlete profile to start the process. 

Contact us for more information or request a phone call to walk through the details of our process and develop a personalized promotional plan.


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